Become A Partner

Pecteasers is always looking for guys to work with as partners to commission content from. The content can include photographs, audio, videos, animations (such as GIFs), written stories, and art work.

Please read everything on this page and contact us if you have any questions before you agree to complete a commission. If you sign off on a commission request, you are confirming that you are okay with everything here and agree to keep your end of the agreement.

The relationship between Pecteasers and its partners is non-exclusive. To keep it short, what that means is we can’t tell you who you can or can’t work with, and you can’t tell us who we can or can’t work with.

Everyone involved has to be over the age of 18 at the time the content is made. Not only you and the people in the content, but also photographers, writers, editors, artists, etc. Absolutely zero exceptions (“I’m turning 18 in two weeks!”) or workarounds (“You see, the character in my drawing is 5 in human years but that’s 37 in his species”).

Everyone has to be human or humanoid. Bestiality is a complete no-no. Furry art and fantasy art are fine on a case-by-case basis, but the more human-looking, the better — think less My Little Pony, more BoJack Horseman.

Everything is either Safe For Work (SFW) or softcore at the most. Calling Pecteasers safe for work might be a stretch, but if you’re looking to share content featuring nudity and sex, this ain’t it. And that’s OK! If you’re a creator who usually makes NSFW content, depending on what it is, we might be able to link to your platform(s) for readers who’d be interested.

None of our media has “hard kink”. What does hard kink mean for us? It’s not a hard science, but if the kink wouldn’t get a good reaction outside of the bedroom, this website is not the place for it. No kink shaming meant here! The Internet is big enough that if you have a rare interest you want to explore, there are plenty of other sites to reach out to — and if not, follow Pecteasers’ lead and create your own! The more, the merrier!

You can submit content to us for free if you’d like, but you also have the option to receive payment by multiple platforms like OnlyFans or CashApp. We will try but cannot guarantee that we will cover fees from these payment processors.

Once you agree to a commission, you’ll receive a quarter (25%) of the compensation upfront and the rest after you complete the commission and send it to us.

The first part of the payment will come no more than 10 business days after you agree to the request. The rest will come no more than 10 business days after we confirm we received your commission.

The exact payment amount is open to negotiation, but don’t expect to be able to pay more than your phone bill with it. 😉 This is a small site, so think of this as more of a way to show off, support the site, and get your name/brand out there than as a way to make money.

We will never try to force you to make new content for free or content that you tell us you would feel uncomfortable making.

We won’t ask for the upfront pay back if we cancel a commission before it’s completed.

We will give you the chance to preview the way your content is used and consider your feedback.

We won’t use your content or our platform(s) to insult or harass you or anyone depicted in your content.

We won’t share your content on any other website or platform except samples to promote you and the website.

We won’t request any of your personal information besides what’s necessary for payment and communication.

We and everyone involved on our side of the agreement is at least 18 years of age.

We won’t share your personal or confidential information with any person or party unless required by law.

We won’t purchase or download your content from third parties to use on this website without your permission.

We will comply with requests to remove content within six months of making the request.

We will give you at least 48 hours notice before the agreed deadline to change or cancel a commission.

You give Pecteasers the rights to the content you submit to the website and have been fully paid for (or content that you have submitted in case you agreed to work for free).

You will refund the upfront pay if you’re unable or choose not to complete a commission.

You will only submit content you personally had a hand in creating (as an artist, writer, speaker, model, or photographer).

You will only submit content you created specifically for the commission and not pre-made content, unless we previously agreed to pre-made content.

You will only submit content that you are comfortable being posted on the website and follows our content policy.

You won’t share this content on your social media and other platforms, except samples to promote yourself and the website.

You won’t sell or trade any personal or confidential information about the website or any members of the team.

You won’t sell or trade this website’s content, including content you created, without our permission.

You won’t use your platform(s) to insult or harass the website or any of its team members.

You won’t hold Pecteasers liable for what happens as the result of you submitting content to this website. What happens on social media is out of our hands.

You will give us at least 48 hours notice before the agreed deadline to change or cancel a commission.

To apply to become a partner, send us a message on the Contact Us form! Include the name you want to use on the website, a valid email address, and preferred payment and payment method (if any).

We can’t promise that we can accept every application request, but know that no matter what, thanks for your interest!